Meet The CPHC Team

Luke ZimmermanI’m going to be featuring some posts about the CPHC Team for you here starting with the Crystal Pig Boys. Let’s start with Luke Zimmerman. He’s a baseball player and seems to have a knack for seeing big bucks as you’ll read in the story I asked him to write so we could get to know him better. Here it is:

One afternoon in Pilot Grove Missouri, after lunch me, my brother and Dad went back out in the woods. They dropped me off at my ground blind and were walking to my brother’s stand. I was looking around and all of sudden I see this big 11-point buck looking right at my Dad and brother. I aimed and shot my .35 rifle, hit him in the spine but he was still moving around. So as fast as I could get my 8 year old self to do it, I unloaded my gun at that buck but missed every time besides my first shot. He finally fell and I had my first deer. Hunting’s a huge part of my family. Getting to spend time with them, doing something we all love helps bring us together.

That’s the story from Luke’s first deer hunt when at 8 yrs. old he killed the biggest rack on our property up to that time. I seem to remember Gary asking him, “Son, do you know what you’ve done?” The reply with these big eyes looking up was, “I don’t know.” LOL. Well, I think he’s got it figured out!